Headed to Healthier | Expert Health Advice, Managing Your Health
A podcast dedicated to empowering women to live their healthiest lives. Hosted by board-certified family medicine physician, Dr. Brittney Anderson Do you prioritize the health and needs of your family above your own? Do you have a hard time keeping up with when you’re supposed to have that mammogram, or Pap smear, or colon screening? Have you been diagnosed with a chronic health issue like hypertension or diabetes or have a family history of health issues that you hope to avoid in the future? Do you want to shed a few pounds but want to do it in a safe and sustainable way and don’t know where to start? Are you hoping for a fun, relatable resource to answer those health questions you forget to ask or are too embarrassed to ask your primary care physician. Girl, do you even have a primary care physician?!?!? I’m Brittney Anderson, a board-certified family medicine physician and I am glad you found this podcast. Every day in my private medial practice, I see and treat women just like you who are on this same journey, doing their best to juggle the demands of life while also desiring to become healthier become healthier, for themselves and for those who depend on them. I know you’re busy, but I also know that you’re ready to get a handle on your health. And I’m here to share with you how to get headed in the right direction. Inside this podcast, you will find practical and actionable health tips you can incorporate into your daily life, health advice from some of my awesome healthcare professionals, and relatable conversations with busy, awesome women just like you who have made their health a priority and are thriving because of it. Wherever you are on this journey, we’re all headed to healthier. So listen in, hop on your walking pad or get outside and get some steps in; or if you’re driving, get those hands at 10 and 2 and let’s dig in.

4 days ago
4 days ago
Are you unsure when you should get your first (or next) mammogram?
Have you been putting it off because you've heard horror stories about them or you don't know how to get one scheduled?
In this episode, Dr. Anderson is busting all the common myths out there about mammograms, that they're too painful, too hard to schedule, take too long, etc, etc, etc. We'll also discuss the importance of getting timely mammogram screening done.
Listen in, then take action to get your next, or first, mammogram scheduled.
After listening, please join the facebook community and share with us some of your biggest takeaways from this great episode.
Headed to Healthier Facebook Community https://www.facebook.com/share/g/1JPbM9cYQT/
If you loved this episode, please share it with a friend and take a moment to subscribe and leave a review on Apple Podcasts! Your support helps me reach more women just like you who need these insights as they are Headed to Healthier!
Thanks for tuning in! I'll be right here next week!

Wednesday Mar 19, 2025
Wednesday Mar 19, 2025
Are you tired of jumping on the bandwagon of fad diets and trends and want a plan that you can maintain long term?
Do you have a feeling of guilt related to food?
Do you need some guidance on how a healthy plate should actually look?
I am honored to share today's episode with a great friend and teacher, Suzanne Henson. She is a registered dietitian/nutrition and I learned so much from her in my medical training. She is dropping some real gems in this episode and, at the end, shares with us the top 3 things she wishes her clients/patients know.
I know you will gain so much from this episode, I surely did!
Please join the facebook community and share with us some of your biggest takeaways from this great episode.
Headed to Healthier Facebook Community https://www.facebook.com/share/g/1JPbM9cYQT/
If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe and leave a review on Apple Podcasts! Your support helps me reach more women just like you who need these insights as they are Headed to Healthier!
Thanks for tuning in! I'll be right here next week!

Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
Do you struggle to drink water throughout the day?
If given the choice between water and a soda are you going to choose the soda every time?
Do you want to drink more water, you’re just not sure where to begin or how to make yourself actually do it?
Well don’t worry, friend, because this episode gets into that exactly!
In this episode, we break down the importance of adequate hydration and what happens when we don’t hydrate enough. We discuss how much water we actually need in a day and I give you some actionable ways to increase your water intake.
If you know you’ve been slacking on the H2O, this episode is for you!
At the end, I issue a special challenge to all listeners. If you’re not already a member of the Facebook group, be sure to join (link below) and let us know how you’re doing on the challenge!
Headed to Healthier Facebook Community https://www.facebook.com/share/g/1JPbM9cYQT/
If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe and leave a review on Apple Podcasts! Your support helps me reach more women just like you who need these insights as they are Headed to Healthier!
Thanks for tuning in! I'll be right here next week!

Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Are your knees holding you back from the workouts, hikes, or even just the daily activities you love? You're not alone. We've all been there: that nagging knee pain that just won't quit. Today, we're diving deep into how to reclaim your mobility and live pain-free.
Let's talk knees. Because as women in our 30s, 40s, and 50s, we know how important it is to stay active and feel our best.
I’m excited to welcome Dr. Shawn Johnson. She is an awesome female who is doubly board-certified in orthopedic surgery and sports medicine.
Today, we will discuss:
Common causes of knee pain
The differences in presentation of knee pain in men vs women
The role of hormones/menopause in joint pain
Treatment options for knee pain
When you need to see a doctor for your knee pain
Headed to Healthier Facebook Community
How to find Dr. Johnson: https://www.drshawnmdortho.com/
If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe and leave a review on Apple Podcast! Your support helps me reach more women just like you who need these insights as they are Headed to Healthier!
Thanks for tuning in! I’ll be right here next week!

Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Have you ever left a doctor’s appointment and you have no idea what the plan is? You listened the whole time they were talking but you’re not really sure what the actual plan is or what you’re supposed to do next? Or, even worse, have you gotten to the point in the visit when the doctor asks you if you have any questions and you go completely blank? When all week you’ve been thinking of things to ask!
In today’s episode, we’ll break down how to prepare for your doctor’s visit to make sure it’s efficient and that you get what you need from the appointment.
We’ll discuss
Pre-appointment preparation
How to be best prepared on the day of the appointment
Post-appointment follow-up
After this episode, you will be ready to master the appointment and get what you need as you are headed to healthier!
Join us in the Headed to Healthier Facebook Community
If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe and leave a review on Apple Podcast! Your support helps me reach more women just like you who need these insights as they are Headed to Healthier!
Thanks for tuning in! I’ll be right here next week!

Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Making the commitment to get healthier is a big step. And I'm so proud of you for doing it and I'm right here with you for the ride!
Welcome to the intro episode of Headed to Healthier. I’m excited to present this podcast dedicated to women who lead super busy lives but are genuinely interested in getting healthier.
You can expect a new episode to drop every Wednesday morning! You can listen on your way to work, on your lunch break, while you’re exercising, watching the kids play, making dinner, whenever you can!
I plan to use this podcast to answer all those health questions you’ve forgotten (or are embarrassed) to ask your doctor and I hope to shed some light on ways to get healthier that are practical for you.
Headed to Healthier Facebook Community
If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe and leave a review on Apple Podcast! Your support helps me reach more women just like you who need these insights as they are Headed to Healthier!
Thanks for tuning in! I’ll be right here next week!

Saturday Feb 22, 2025
Saturday Feb 22, 2025
Welcome to Headed to Healthier, where my mission is to empower women to live their healthiest lives. I’m Dr. Brittney Anderson, a board certified family medicine physician and I’m so glad you found this podcast. Every day in my private medical practice, I see and treat women just like you who are on this same journey, doing their best to juggle the demands of life while also desiring to become healthier, for themselves and for those who depend on them. I know you’re busy, but I also know that you’re ready to get a handle on your health. And I’m here to share with you how to get headed in the right direction.
Inside this podcast you will find practical and actionable health tips you can incorporate into your daily life, health advice from some of my awesome healthcare colleagues, and relatable conversations with incredible women just like you who have made their health a priority and are thriving because of it.
Welcome. We are headed to healthier!
Please subscribe to the podcast to be sure to catch each episode. New episodes will be published weekly.